Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Citizens Of Greater Springdale (COGS)

COGS held their regular monthly meeting on January 13, 2009, 7pm, at the Depot Community Center with 9 people present.
Terry Waters, treasurer, gave a comprehensive profile of our financial report for 2008. Records have been organized, updated and a budget projected for 2009. The federal non-profit 501C3 status is still pending.
The clothing exchange held in the back room of Lanita’s Laundromat has closed. Although it was only open one afternoon a week, the community response was encouraging with numerous donations of good useable clothes. Currently no alternative location has been found.
The Santa’s Shop craft fair was only open one weekend this past December due to the snow. There are still beautiful hand-bound cookbooks made by the Senior Citizens. They are available for $5 by calling Raqeebah at 509-258-9031.
Cleo Miller and Susan Lattin attended a public relation training seminar, courtesy of the Horizon Program. Cleo will now be updating the Springdale blog.
Sue Cox and Raqeebah Amat-Allah will be attending a Farmer’s Market seminar in Puyallup on Jan. 30-31.
We addressed the future and current functions of the Depot:
1. Rental of the building for reunions, birthday parties, etc.
2. Movie night every Saturday
3. Farmer’s Market every weekend in season and once a month through off season
4. Exercise classes with yoga, tai chi, belly-dancing, etc.
5. Saturday matinee for children possibly conducted by Maggie Farmer
6. Committed to Critters meeting will be held once a month, first meeting is 11:30am on Feb. 22
7. The Obama inaugural bash at 4pm on Jan. 20
After discussing the functions, it became apparent that a part-time coordinator is needed. All agreed that this would be very beneficial. A proposal will be developed, and presented at the next meeting.
Other business was to purchase rope lights for the interior steps and rope lights for the exterior of the building. A sign for the Depot Community Center is needed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 with the next meeting on Feb. 10.