Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Citizens Of Greater Springdale (COGS)

COGS held their regular monthly meeting on February 10, 2009, 7pm, at the Depot Community Center with 9 people present.
Terry Waters, treasurer, stated that the electric bill has increased and budget projections need to be adjusted accordingly. The amended treasurer’s report was provided for all present.
The new decorating committee has ‘decked out’ the Depot lavishly for Valentine’s Day. The décor will change from month to month. Hats off to Anita Brown, Georgia Barnes and Mary Christiansen.
The proposal for a part-time coordinator was presented. The start date is Mar 1 and would consist of 20 hours a week for a period of 3 months, not to exceed $2,700 total from the Horizon grant money. It was motioned by Raqeebah Amat-Allah and seconded by Georgia Barnes with all in favor.
The Deer Park Gazette is interested in publishing our functions for March. Deadline is Feb 18.
Insurance needs for the Depot were discussed.
Scott Douglas, S.C.O.R.E representative from Colville, will be contacted again to assist with understanding nonprofit/profit organizations.
The St. Patrick’s Day dinner was set for Mar. 17 at 6pm. ($7.50 a plate)
An egg cook off for April is discussed. It would be a pot luck with any dish that includes egg. (no charge)
A new computer center has opened in Springdale. It is open 6 days a week from 10am-8pm on Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Fri, 12-8pm on Tues., 10am-6pm on Sat, closed on Sun. It is located behind the Town Hall.
Colleen Dodge mentioned that Mr. Matt Gines from the school may have his students build a sign for the Depot. Sue Cox will contact him.
The Green Fest in Seattle will be held on Mar. 28-29. There were 6 people who attended last year funded through the Horizon Program. This is a fantastic (and affordable) mind-expanding event.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm with the next meeting on Mar. 10.